Gender and Power

According to the PMWB 2017 report, approximately 39% of product managers in China are female[1]. In terms of the level distribution of my former company, approximately 61% of associate product managers are female, yet only 21% of senior product managers (SPM) and 16% of product directors (PD) are females. Notably, there are also very few famous female product managers in the industry. The intervention of maternity and job duty changes are potential reasons for the steep decline in the percentage of female SPMs as well as PDs. 

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Why do we need to speak loudly

It’s not just the very few who are fake, evil, and ugly that corrupt societal morals, but also the silent majority. Society is vast, and it’s natural for the vanguard to run fast. The elite shouldn’t let vested interests determine their alliances, nor should they oppress others with a sense of superiority. Instead, they should bravely step forward, discern right from wrong with conviction, and drive the progress of the entire society. If we, the young people who have received higher education, can only laugh and joke around with memes, then it’s unlikely the world will become a better place.

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北京博物馆漫游指南 – 东城区篇

北京博物馆漫游指南 – 东城区篇


  • 本来想把这两年在北京逛过的博物馆/古代建筑/美术馆放在一篇推送里,无奈写起来确实挺费时间。所以只能根据地理位置分篇放出
  • 评分/推荐的等级很大程度上基于作者个人的兴趣,作者已经尽量客观了..
  • 作者知识范围比较有限,指南里的错误或者疏漏,请一定不吝指出,非常感谢
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知乎上有人问过这个问题,回答是念心理学,念社会学etc..也有很多当了几年产品经理的同学去念了Information Science或者HCI。


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